Developing my personal Game Plan with seamlessly integrated technology as I explore strategies that strengthen my confidence and proficiency seems like a very challenging undertaking. I am so glad there is a process I can work through to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate my personal game plan. I am very apprehensive about this concept.
They say that effective teachers model and apply the National Educational Technology Standards for students as they design, implement and assess learning experiences to engage students to improve learning. Well of course what teacher doesn’t want to be an effective teacher that engages student in their learning process.
The first step in this game plan is to identify and set a goal. I have chosen to focus on Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments and Model Digital-Age Work and Learning.
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in content and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS*S.
I wish to focus on part:
a. Teachers will design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
c. Teachers will customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.
New technology skills and opportunities move at a very rapid pace and for many people, power point presentations are “old news”. While others are advancing to smart boards and ebooks and a gazillion other new inventions, I am happy to learn some of the old tricks that seem pretty new to me.
My game plan for strengthening my confidence in using digital tools and resources and to customize learning activities to meet the needs of diverse learning styles, I have decided to learn to prepare lessons using power point.
The second area I hope to develop is Model Digital-Age Work and Learning.
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills and work representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.
This seems to be an ever growing idea both in my school district and in this course. I plan to become more familiar with this whole concept of global collaboration. I plan to participate in doc sharing and global communication to locate, analyze, evaluate and use information to support learning.

Saturday, September 18, 2010
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"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."